Welcome to the Autism Connect Early Programme!
The ACE (Autism Connect Early) Programme has been developed according to best-practice guidelines to assist autistic children in integrating successfully into long-day care with their peers. The focus is on applying specialised strategies to build skills in effective communication, interaction and play with peers, self-directed learning, and personal resilience.
Our transdisciplinary team are dedicated to creating a learning environment in which autistic children feel safe, confident, and valued. Whilst the focus is on helping children to engage in learning to create short- and long-term benefits, our transdisciplinary team uphold the ethos of learning via relationship building. Therefore, all learning opportunities are embedded in empathic interactions aimed at understanding the child’s experiences.
The ACE Programme is immersed in a research framework that provides us with the opportunity to continuously evaluate and refine all learning experiences to ensure that they are tailored to the particular needs of each child. The Programme content and delivery is closely monitored by autism experts from the University of New England to ensure that a high level of integrity is maintained and children receive access to the most recent advances in autism education.